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Our Vision 

We envision a world where our collaboration and commitment to artistic excellence, as young composers and musicians culminates in unprecedented and transformative performances of music that inspire others to also break free from perceived or imposed expectations.

Our Values

  • We believe that composers, musicians, and music should not be constrained by preconceived notions or philosophies of genre, labels, and academia.

  • We believe that the diversity of our experiences and backgrounds as musicians enriches and inspires artistic creation both in ourselves and in our community.

  • We believe that creating a platform for young artists to have their voices heard is the vehicle by which true progress in the arts is made.

  • We believe in creating musical experiences that enrich the lives of all audiences, regardless of their level of musical experience.

Our Mission

The Unprecedented Music Association (UMA) is a collective of composers and musicians dedicated to bringing joy, beauty, and fresh experiences to audiences of Southern California through performances of new music.

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Artistic Director

Théo Schmitt

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  • TIC Tac

The Artists


Assistant Artistic Director

Vasken Ohanian

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  • Soundcloud

Marketing Director

Carlos Durán

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Unprecedented artists creating music for unprecedented times


Director of Research

Andreas Fevos

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  • TIC Tac

Director of Development

Morgan Kelly Moss

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Director of Outreach

Abigail Torrence

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Director of Operations

Robby Good

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  • Soundcloud
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